Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Puppy Love

I thought it was about time I introduced you all to the newest member of my family - Kobe! And yes he's all mine! As some of you may know, I moved out with my boyfriend Kurt back in March. In May we made the big decision to get a dog.. It came as a huge surprise to my family and friends as they know I have always been slightly terrified of animals, especially dogs. But as Kurt said 'you won't be scared of your own dog and it may help you get over your fear' and it turns out he was right! As soon as I met Kobe I fell in love with him, and knew it was meant to be! And now I have become a very crazy dog lady, and want to adopt all the puppies in the world!

Kobe is a bundle of fluff, and I adore how much happiness and love a dog has brought into my life. Kobe is a Bichon Frise. He varies from being the laziest, cuddle bunny to the most hyper active dog. He is now around 7months old and I am so so sad my baby is growing so fast. Getting a dog has been the best decision I ever made, and as Kurt said it has helped me get over my fear of animals. It is so nice to have a little furry fluffy-fluff ball following you around. If you are thinking about getting a dog, think long and hard. They are hard work and can get quite pricey when it comes to the vet bills, insurance, food and everything else that soon adds up- but I would not change a thing. And of course, the patience, time and effort that comes with training them. But like I said having a dog is so rewarding, and given me and Kurt a new lease of life and we spend so much more time (silly as it sounds) together, as a family. Getting more exercise too by walking Kobe daily, and hanging out all together.

If anybody else has a Bichon please let me know in the comments and anything you think my Kobe bear would love!

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