If you
follow me on Twitter or Instagram you will already know the news! Me and
Kurt are expecting a baby! It feels so surreal to be writing this
post and I still am in complete shock with the whole idea, but we are ever so
happy. I seemed to of disappeared from the blogging community for quite a few
weeks, but life certainly has changed. We both found out on holiday and when we
got back I was already 9 weeks! I
feel like I have basically missed the whole of the 1st trimester but boy am
I feeling it now I'm 15 weeks! I
don't want to turn this blog into just a solely pregnancy/mummy zone but expect
the odd update and haul posts here and there, but don't worry I will still be
blogging about beauty, fashion and lifestyle....
I had my
first scan on the 21st October 2015. It was such a surreal moment, I was in
complete ore and shock, there is nothing to describe the joy felt seeing that
screen and the baby moving around inside of you. It was a really emotional
moment and one I will cherish forever.
I've been
reading lots of pregnancy blog posts so stole these update questions from there
but its a good way to keep track and for me to look back on my pregnancy, and
for any of expecting mums out there for a little nosey!
How far gone: 15 weeks
and 2 days.
Days until due: 174 days
to go
Baby Progress: I have
the 'BabyCenter My Pregnancy' App which I highly recommend as you can keep up
to date with your babies progress, it gives you tips and hints and reminders
and cool ideas e.g. Take a 'Bumpie'. So at 15 weeks it says 'Your baby is the
size of an Apple- although your baby's eyelids are fused shut he can sense
light, if you were to shine a flash light at your tummy he/she would move away'
Weight changes: I never
paid much attention to my weight last time I checked (before knowing my
pregnancy) I was around 8st. At my last midwife appointment I was 8st 12lbs....
definitely not eating for two..
Stretch marks?: none
as of yet, I use bio oil x2 a week and purchased some coco butter lotion for
stretch marks to use in-between (I may review these at a later date)
Cravings: I
don't believe I'm even at the stage of pregnancy to have cravings but I have
been obsessed with Branston Pickle Mini Chedder crisps!
Symptoms: So sleepy, back aches and headaches-
the normal in pregnancy.
Sleep: It takes me about an hour to drop off completely, we have a
big double bed but I still feel I have enough room with Kurt and our puppy Kobe
on my feet, both snoring their heads off. I’m thinking about investing in a
pregnancy pillow.
Best moment this week: Last week we told everybody
and that was such a relief and so nice to finally be able to speak about it- it
was so lovely to see people so happy for us.
Worst moment this week: 3 days off work, had the
worst symptoms- I was bed bound!
Gender: We are hoping to find out at our 20 week scan on the 10th of
Miss anything? Jeans,
and being a size 8! I have been quite emotional about the weight gain, but I
know it will all be worth it when the little bean is here.
Maternity clothes: The only maternity clothes
I have brought is Jeans, my Topshop Joni size 8 jeans weren't cutting it anymore,
so I have brought some from ASOS, super skinny, ripped knees, a little bit more
fashionable and up my street! I have also been Primark and brought baggy tops
an jumpers in a size up!
Movement: Nothing as of yet
Mood: Hormones are everywhere at the minute. I am mostly happy and
bubbly but I do have the odd moment everyday of feeling crappy.
Looking forward too: The cot is arriving in 2
weeks, and we are sorting our house out over the next couple weeks making it
more child friendly!
So there's a little update and insight to what is happening! I
hope you enjoyed this post and I hope to post some more pregnancy related
things if you're interested. If there are any other expectant parents out
there, please get in touch I'd love to chat!
Ellie x
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