Sunday, 6 December 2015

20 Week Bump Update

My 20 Week Bump Update!

Hey everyone, so I thought I would do another baby related post, just sharing how the past few weeks have been, and what I have been up to baby wise.....

To be completely honest I have been feeling crap self esteem wise, I have been suffering bad with pregnancy acne and it has made me loose confidence, I have never suffered with bad skin only the occasional spot when due on that cleared up overnight, so these clumps of spots all over my head and cheeks, bright red and sore have freaked me out. Nothing seems to be budging them, I'm hoping now I'm nearly half way they start to clear up a bit, I've also heard aloe vera gel is a life saver which I am yet to try, so I'll keep you updated.  I haven't really wanted to go out in public much. I'm also getting to the stage where I just feel fat and people could still look at me and think 'core she's bloated!' Now I really don't want to complain, because I am so blessed to be having this baby. I feel alone in saying this aloud but I know other pregnant girls who have agreed with me saying they have been terrified by the weight gain, but I still can't help feeling guilty for saying it. I don't really eat any more than I did before pregnancy (so I hope!) And seeing Kurt go to the gym 3 times a week makes me feel worse, he's getting in better shape and there I am turning into an ompa-lumpa. I knew I was going to gain weight, I just didn't realise how hard it would hit me..but it's all good because at the end of the day, there will be a beautiful human being that we have created, and a lot of people will never get the chance to do so, and if having a few stretch marks and saggy belly means that, I'm all for it, but it's just strange to get used to at first - so please don't feel as this is a moany post where I'm not grateful because its not that at all. 

The pictures of the bump was taken towards the end of week 19, and I officially start week 20 tomorrow (the 7th of December!)

We also find out (fingers crossed) if were having a little boy or girl on the 10th of December, which I cannot wait for, as a lot of people I know paid to have a private scan weeks and weeks before there 20th week scan, so I feel I have been waiting forever! And this will be Kurts first time seeing it live, as he couldn't make the first scan and my mom came with me instead, I cannot wait to see his reaction, I think it will become so much more real for him.

We have picked up a few bits here and there over the past couple weeks, including this personalised My 1st Years, baby grow with Angel wings on the back, with gold 'Baby Freund' on the front corner - I couldn't resist! and then the above baby grows are from Pound Land believe it or not, so cute for only £1 even though he/she will only wear them once or twice then most likely be sick on them haha!

We also built the cot today - a little early I know but we ordered it as we got it for a complete bargain, from £270 down to £70, with help from my moms discount & vouchers! It had been sat in its box for week, so we were bored and thought we would put it up! We still need to decorate properly and buy bedding etc but here are the first few picture after we put it up! Speaking of bargains I also picked up the Tommee Tippee perfect prep machine for £49.00!!!!!!! originally priced at £120, reduced in Tesco to £70, then with extra vouchers an club card points got it for a steal of £49, I was so pleased! Here is a link to the prep machine here - I believe its still at £70 - so If you have been debating weather to get this or want to read what it is, go have a look, and get it whilst its a bargain!

And finally here are some bump pictures from week 19...

Love Ellie x

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